Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weapon Animations

Below is the link to the animations create for the pistol.

GLM Animation

Below is the link to the animation clips created for the vault door.

Character Formative RTA

Below is the combined animations created with various Dota 2 characters.

Supermutant RTA

Below if the link to the real time animation created for the supermutant character. More animations will be added over time.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Fallout 3 Laser Rifle.

I decided to create a Fallout 3 Laser Rifle for the Supermutant character I had previously done. I plan to rig the character and the weapon and create a set of Idle and other animations for practice. This was mostly created in Maya as most of the shapes are simple and it was just quicker to do in maya. The additional scratches and details was done in zbrush. The textures are hand painted combined with ambient occlusion and normal map. Rendering done in Marmoset. Zbrush high resolution.
Textures and wireframe.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mini Game Project

Below is a collection of assets I have created while working on the mini game project. All work was created by me (High res, low res, uv, textures). The theme of the game is Ancient egyptian with a hint of Scifi elements for the characters and other assets. Goal.
Player/Ball spawn point.
Modular wall section.
Tropical plant and pot plant.
Below is some tileable wall sections.
Textures and wireframe.
The zbrush model. Some changes were made in photoshop after this asset was created due to normal mapping issues.
Below are some columns that were created and placed around the environment.
Texture maps.
The zbrush models.
Below are some tileable textures I created in Zbrush. There was some challenges in creating the sand texture and associated normal map to get it to tile correctly. After searching many youtube videos I found a way to do it. these Textures were used on the terrain for the game environment.
I created some trees for the environment. Each of the three are just modified variants of the same tree so I could create one uv set and apply them to each model. I created 3 variations of the diffuse map just to give a slight colour change to the leaves. The bark was done in zbrush, I created one piece that resembled the bark and duplicated and placed them around the tree and often each row.
Maps and wireframe.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Zbrush Character Modeling

for this brief I was to create a high resolution character in zbrush and create all the associated maps and 3 LODs. LOD_0 was to be 12k tris and LOD_1 was to be 5k tris and LOD_2 was to be 1k tris. All rendering was done in marmoset and textures in photoshop with a combination of hand painted and baked maps. No photo textures were used. I changed the diffuse because It was looking too bright in the original maps.
The posed model with weapon rendered in Marmoset.
The armor diffuse map.
The body diffuse map.
Below is the finished Zbrush model.
A closeup of the armor.
The boots.

GLM Modeling

For this project as a group we were to create a series of GLM pieces that could be used to create a game level environment. We had a limited polygon budget and were to try and stick to a similar art style. As a group we never managed to get all the pieces to be of the similar style so I recreated the textures of my GLM pieces to match the artstyle of the Scifi Vault GLM asset that was created. Below is some renders of the GLM assets with the modified texture.
Below is the textures that were created.

Dishonored Character Bust Likeness

For this project I was to pick a character and try to create a likeness of that model. I was to create two LODs of the model and bake all the associated maps. Below are the final renders in Marmoset.
Below is the textures and the wireframe renders.
another render.
Below is a render of the zbrush high resolution model.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Cactus Environment Prop

Created this in a couple of hours for something to do. Created it in zbrush, did a quick retopo and uv map and texture in Photoshop. I will probably make another cactus of some kind to use up the rest of the texture grid. Below are some renders taken in Marmoset 1.

Old man sculpt.

I put this guy together in 2 days playing around with my new wacom and trying to get in some practice sculpting people. I didnt realise till I was done that perspective was not on during the sculpting so in some of the renders he looks distorted. Maps were baked in 3dsmax, retopo was done with Zremesher and cleaned in Maya and the uv map was created in Roadkill. Below are some renders in Keyshot 4 and Marmoset.
Below are the texture maps.
Below is some renders of the high resolution model in Zbrush with BPR rendering.

Dota 2 Axe Weapon

After creating the previous weapon I wanted to make another weapon of the Dota 2 Axe character. This time with the intentions of posting it on the steam workshop. I tried to stick closely to the original weapon with my own twist on it. I had a ruff idea on the design of the weapon and modeled it in Maya. I then took some screen captures of it and played with different styling in photoshop. Once I had come up with the design I liked I took it into Zbrush to do the high resolution detail and the final maps were rendered in 3dsmax. Below are some images of the finished model rendered in Marmoset
Below is the texture maps that were created and some test renders done in Keyshot 4.
Below are the Photoshop images I created when trying to figure out the final design.